/nfs/users/cassagnea-nfs tegraagx Sat Mar 16 20:43:04 CET 2024 -- MUrB options: -- * ENABLE_MURB: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_VISU: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_TEST: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_MURB_OMP: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_MURB_OCL: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_MURB_CUDA: 'ON' -- MUrB info: -- * CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: 'RelWithDebInfo' -- Could NOT find GLM (missing: GLM_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Could NOT find GLFW (missing: GLFW_INCLUDE_DIR GLFW_LIBRARIES) -- The visualization has been disabled. -- MIPP found -- OpenCL found -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /nfs/users/cassagnea-nfs/workspace/murb-s/build_xagx -- MUrB options: -- * ENABLE_MURB: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_VISU: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_TEST: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_MURB_OMP: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_MURB_OCL: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_MURB_CUDA: 'ON' -- MUrB info: -- * CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: 'RelWithDebInfo' -- Could NOT find GLM (missing: GLM_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Could NOT find GLFW (missing: GLFW_INCLUDE_DIR GLFW_LIBRARIES) -- The visualization has been disabled. -- MIPP found -- OpenCL found -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /nfs/users/cassagnea-nfs/workspace/murb-s/build_xagx -- MUrB options: -- * ENABLE_MURB: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_VISU: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_TEST: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_MURB_OMP: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_MURB_OCL: 'ON' -- * ENABLE_MURB_CUDA: 'ON' -- MUrB info: -- * CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: 'RelWithDebInfo' -- Could NOT find GLM (missing: GLM_INCLUDE_DIR) -- Could NOT find GLFW (missing: GLFW_INCLUDE_DIR GLFW_LIBRARIES) -- The visualization has been disabled. -- MIPP found -- OpenCL found -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /nfs/users/cassagnea-nfs/workspace/murb-s/build_xagx Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target common-lib Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target murb-implem-lib [ 51%] Built target murb-implem-lib [ 62%] Built target common-lib Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target murb-bin Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target test-bin [ 70%] Built target murb-bin [100%] Built target test-bin CUDA configuration: ------------------- -> Block size (--wg ): 32 -> Grid size : 7520 n-body simulation configuration: -------------------------------- -> bodies scheme (-s ): galaxy -> implementation (--im ): cuda+rsqrt4 -> nb. of bodies (-n ): 30000 -> nb. of iterations (-i ): 1500 -> verbose mode (-v ): disable -> precision : fp32 -> mem. allocated : 2.17438 MB -> geometry shader (--ngs ): enable -> time step (--dt ): 3600.000000 sec -> softening factor (--soft): 2e+08 Simulation started... Simulation ended. Entire simulation took 34152.9 ms (43.9201 FPS, 736.3 Gflop/s) Sat Mar 16 20:43:41 CET 2024